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Factory Profile

Expert Workers

We always give priority about skilled staffs and workers for better production and providing the best quality of product for the satisfaction of our customers.

On-time Delivery

Demands of products can fluctuate from time to time. We take that into account effectively. Hence, buyers can expect their delivery to be on due time.

Risk Protection

Clients will engage directly throughout the production process while ensuring that all quality standards and measurements were as ordered. Our reputation precedes us.

We are transparent with our projects. We co-ordinate with Client visits to Bangladesh. Also, we deliver reports regarding ongoing productions.

1 Name of the Company Dhaka Hats & Caps ( a trusted hats factory )Reg. Office: AmirComplex, Plot no. 43, Sector 03, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.
2 Working Office House no. 18, Road 33, Sector 07,Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.
3 Manufacturing Unit Address Address:241/74 Faiydabad, FaiyadabadChowrasta, Dhakhinkhan, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.
4 Contact Personnel Rtn, Sheikh Jahangir Alam PHF-CEO, Ayaisha Jahan Sheikh (Asst. Marketing Manager), Sheikh Jamil Jahangir (Trainee Officer)
5 Contacts Mobile No:+8801711525227, Landline: +8802-58955179
6 Email Address [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
7 Web Address,
8 linkedin page
9 Factory Details Employees:
10 Machineries Basic:82
Others: 18
Total: 100
11 Product All kinds of Sports Caps
12 Production Capacity Daily 10,000 pcs of Caps
13 Factory Management 1. Chairman
2. MD
3. Director -Admn
4. Director-Pattern & Cutting
5. Director –Production
6. Director-Quality Asurance
7. Director –Material & Purchase
8. Director –Technical
14 Facilities for Workers . Food Allowance
. Transportation
. Medical Allowance
. MaternityLeave
. Festival Allowance
. Overtime Payment (200%)
15 Partners Factory UltraEmbroidery Ltd.(100% export oriented Korean Embroidery Factory)
16 Bank Name Woori Bank(A SouthKorean MNC Bank)
17 Account Number CDA-964001096
A/C name: Dhaka Hats & Caps

Summery of Factory

1. Production Capacity

Day Month Year
10,000 Pcs 156,000 Pcs 18,72,000 Pcs

2. Employee

Designation Male Female
Supervisor & Engineer 2 2
Lineman / QC 0 12
Operator & Helper 13 135
Total 15 149

3. Occupied Area: 6200 sft

4. Salary & Wages System

Staff/Workers Basic Allowance Food allowance Overtime Bonus
MonthlySalary Yes Yes Yes 200% Basic 100%

5. List of Machineries

Description Quantity Remarks
Single Needle 46
Double Needle 13
Eyelet Machine 10
High Posta 4
ProstitchMachine 2
Kansai Machine 2
Band knife 1
Hand Knife 1
Button Machine 5
Front Iron Machine 1
Snap Button Machine 2
Overlock Machine 2
Vertical Knife Machine 2
Cutting Press Machine 1
Drill Machine 2
Fusing Machine 1
Air Compressor 1
Diesel Generator 1 125KVA
P.P. Banding Machine 1
Total 98

6. Health & Safety

A. Fire-Fighting Team

Designation Name
1stleader Mr. RiajMahmud
2ndleader Mr. Dulal Howlader
Leading & guiding team Mr. ParvazBiswas
Mr. Rezawon
Anti-firing team Ms. Munni(Sewing )
Ms. Lipy(Sewing)

B. Fire-Fighting Equipment

ABC fire Extinguisher CO2 fireextinguisher Basket
30 8 6

C. SanitaryFacilities

Type Ground Floor
Female male
4 3

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Janet Morris
Designer - Minio